I’ve gotten into this bad habit of not writing about anything except WordPress on this site. It’s quite sad in a way that I have this great publishing platform and I only write about WordPress, and I do so very little.

Many years ago, I don’t remember how many exactly, I was challenged by my High School math teacher, that if I could memorize all the digits of pi that were on the poster (86) above the white board, that I would get an ‘A’ on the final without having to take it. I spent a week or two, I even wrote a program for the TI-83 to help me learn it. In the end I learned somewhere around 280 digits of pi and got that ‘A’.

From then until now, I have always held a special place in my heart for this number of numbers. I own the movie pi, I own the book a history of pi and I have spent the last eleven to twelve years incredibly interested in this number. Back in 1998 or so I actually ran a site dedicated to pi on geocities that is now long gone and forgotten.

So in keeping with the color scheme of that old site I used to run, which I now realize was very Matrix-esque, have a happy pi day!


Happy pi day!

PS: From my days as an astrophysics major, I was taught that really only the first 42 digits of pi are useful for computational purposes. But what fun is that!? Keep learning and cranking out those digits of pi!